Rage Comic of History, The Introduction(Battle of Surabaya)

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Talking about history as a school subject, I'm sure that most of you will think of it as a very lame subject that force us to memorize unrelevant events, dates, and places. But, the fact is; history isn't a lame subject to learn. History isn't all about dates, and places. Dates and places were just there to assist us got the whole story of historical events correctly and unbiased.

History is about the stories of past events. I believe that every story has a message to tell and so does history. History teaches us about the mistakes that our ancestors have made and prevents us to do it again, it teaches us to learn what is good in the past and keep on doing the good things of the past. We can learn from the mistakes of the past and move forward to create the better future by learning history. 

So, history is simply that awesome. However, most of us can't catch the awesomeness of history due to the way the history was being taught at school. So, I've decided to try making an interesting way to tell the history and deliver the message of historical event by using ragecomics as the media. I do really believe the growing use of ragecomic as the way to tell jokes will make it a creative way to make people love history.

In this series of ragecomic I'll try to cover some Indonesian and world historical events. At the beginning of each ragecomic I'll put brief backgrounds of the events so that it'll be easier for you guys to understand. For the first ragecomic, here is a comic of an Indonesian historical event. Please tell me what do you think about it :) 

Battle of Surabaya 


       After Indonesia declared it's independece in August 1945 from Japanese. The Dutch with the help from Allied force tried to regain its power over Indonesia. One of their effort to re-colonize Indonesia was to occupy Indonesian's second largest city, Surabaya. It's invasion to Surabaya was concealed in a good intention to take away Japanese soldiers weapon(who previously colonized Indonesia) and send Jap troops back to their homeland.  This concealed invasion led to an epic battle which is well-known in Indonesian as " Peristiwa 10 November"

Thanks to ragemaker.net for its awesome ragecomic generating service

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